Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

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Weather Policy Letter

Weekday Mass

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM

Watch Daily Mass when LiveStreamed

Feast's & Holy Day

Mass Times

 As Scheduled in the Parish Bulletin


Weekend Masses


4:00 PM


8:00 AM

10:30 AM

Watch Sunday Mass

First Friday's

Daily Mass

8:00 AM

Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Are held on the First Friday of each month.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament  is after the 8:00 AM Liturgy, Benediction will be held at 11:00 AM.
(Please note Bulletin for change in time)

During these trying and changing times in the world maybe you can find a few minutes to stop in church on First Friday's to ask Our Lord and Blessed Mother for peace and help in Our World.


11:00 AM

Watch Adoration / Benediction

Reconciliation /



2:45pm - 3:30pm

Thursday Pryor to First Friday

Canceled till further NOTICE - No Confessions


By Appointment

Live Streaming Mass

Can't make it to a service? Watch mass live or watch our most recent services on Youtube.

Visitor Information

See some common questions and answers below, or call us at 570-454-0881.

  • When is Our Masses?

    Saturday Mass

    4:00 PM

    Sunday Masses

    8:00 AM

    10:30 AM

    Monday ~ Friday  ( Daily Mass )

    8:00 AM

    Church Holy Days of Obligation, Christmas, and Easter are in the Church Bulletin or Mass Schedule page here on the website.

  • When is Confession available?


    2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Check Our Bulletin for Lent / Easter Times


    By Appointment

  • What should I wear?

    There really is no set church dress code, but in general, wearing denim should be avoided but accepted (bearing that they have NO holes and or Large Cuts in them for looks ). 

    Unless your church clearly states that jeans are OK, it's best to avoid wearing them for Weekend Masses. 

  • How do I get to the church?


    Wilkes-Barre/Scranton - Traveling on

    Interstate 81 South take exit 143 to the right onto Rt 924 ( Can Do Expressway) towards Hazleton.

    Turn Left onto Rt 924 ( Can Do Expressway) to Hazleton; after the second traffic light and approaching Broad Street, get into the Center Lanes. At the Light  Rt93 ( Broad St. ), go through the light across Broad St. onto West Diamond Ave.

    Proceed down diamond ave through three stop sign and then go to the thrid traffic light which is Laurel St.

    At the light turn left onto laurel st and up five blocks to 5th street stop sign.

    You have arrived at the Church and School.


    From Interstate 81 - Traveling on Interstate

    81 North take exit 143 to the right onto Rt 924 ( Can Do Expressway ) towards Hazleton.

    Turn Left onto Rt 924 ( Can Do Expressway) to Hazleton; after the second traffic light and approaching Broad Street, get into the Center Lanes. At the Light  Rt93 ( Broad St. ), go through the light across Broad St. onto West Diamond Ave.

    Proceed down diamond ave through three stop sign and then go to the thrid traffic light which is Laurel St.

    At the light turn left onto laurel st and up five blocks to 5th street stop sign.

    You have arrived at the Church and School.

  • Where should I park?

    YES, there is parking around the Church and the School City Blocks.

    The Parish owns a parking lot on North Church Street from 6th to 7th street, and the entrance is off Lee Court at 6th Street. 

    There is also parking along the School from Manhattan Court to Laurel Street for Church Functions. and behind the School at 5th and Wyoming Street.

  • Where do my children go?

    Children are welcome in the church and can sit anywhere in the pews available, provided; their Parents and or Guardians accompany them.

  • Am I expected to put money in the offering?

    Choosing the amount you donate is a personal choice. Donations must come from the heart. Ask in prayer what God wills you to do.

    However, there are many ways to decide what God wills for you. Also, be aware that donations are not only monetary. 

    We talk about giving of our time, talent, and treasure. You may have a lot more of one of these to offer and are short on one of them. You need to look at the whole picture and ask in prayer before giving an offering.


  • Is there a wheelchair accessible entrance?

    YES, the Parish does have a handicapped entrance, and that is located off the 6th street side of the church from the rear off of Lee Court.

    Go down the ramp along the church and enter through the side door of the church. 

    There are also two handicapped parking spaces along the 6th street side of the church from lee court towards laurel street.

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