Extraordinary Ministers assist the priest and deacon's in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and doing after-Mass clean-up.
They also take Holy Communion to parishioners who can’t attend Mass. Any Catholic over 18, who is in sacramental union with the Church may apply.
All members must be approved by the pastor. Initial training is done with follow-up as needed. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Parish Office, (570) 454-0881
Lectors are individuals who boldly and effectively proclaim God’s Word within the context of liturgical worship at St. Cyril & Methodius Parish.
Volunteers read assigned readings at Sunday Liturgies and other special liturgical celebrations. Lectors must be outgoing, friendly, and be good readers and communicators with a strong voice. They must have received Confirmation, be in good standing with the Catholic Church and be members of St. Cyril & Methodius Parish.
Lectors must spend time preparing for their readings with the help of a guidebook. Schedules are prepared quarterly by the deacon.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the Parish Office, (570) 454-0881
Altar Serving is a great ministry to begin volunteering in the church.
St. Cyril & Methodius Parish welcomes all children from grades 3 and up, who have received the Sacrament of First Eucharist to consider joining this Ministry.
If you feel that you are being called to this beautiful Ministry and being more part of the Mass and would like more information, please contact the Parish Center, (570) 454-0881